Autumn House Residential Family Assessment Centre for Mothers and Babies


Autumn House is a privately owned semi - detached house in Liverpool. It has been newly decorated and has a light, airy and homely atmosphere. The house can accommodate 3 mothers and babies at any one time.

Each family has their own bedroom furnished with a bed, cot, wardrobes, chair/couch, storage, sink and baby bath. All bedrooms are decorated tastefully and to a high standard, and are equipped with a video baby monitor, bedding, towels, baby changing mat.

Upstairs there are 2 bedrooms and has a toilet and shower room which is shared between 2 parents and an additional toilet available if required.

Downstairs there is 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom with shower and toilet.

There is a communal living room, dining room, kitchen and garden.

Parents are provided with their own kitchen cupboard and shelf in the fridge/freezer.

All communal areas and bedroom have CCTV.

Assessment At Autumn House

The aim of Autumn House residential centre is to assess the parents capability to parent and the capacity to change.

We use the PAMS 4.0 Assessments, which is undertaken by a qualified PAMs Assessor.


The PAMS assessment (Parent Assessment Manual developed by Dr Sue McGaw,
a nationally renowned Clinical Psychologist in the field of working with
parents with learning disabilities) covers: child care and development,
behavior management, independent living skills, safety and hygiene, parents’
health, relationships and support, and the impact of the environment and
community on parenting. Each parenting skill area within a domain is assessed
for ‘parental knowledge’, ‘quality of parenting skills’ and the frequency of
parenting practice. By breaking elements of parenting down into testable
components PAMS starts to make an assessment of quality that is evidence-based.

To complete a thorough assessment, placements will be required to be  for a duration of 12 weeks as the residential assessment is completed in 3 stages using the PAMS Initial Baseline Assessment through to a Post Teaching Assessment.


Stage 1 - During the first 2 weeks of placement the parent is assessed on their current ability to parent, in order to Produce a Initial Baseline Assessment Report, identifying the areas of risk. Once this has been completed, from the findings of this an Individual Teaching Programme is agreed between the Assessor and Social Worker. (see Teaching Programme below)

Stage  2- The Teaching Programme takes place for 6 weeks, concurrent with continuous monitoring and assessment of the parent's capability and capacity. (see  Residential Process below)

Stage 3 - This is the Post teaching Assessment Period. During this stage the Assessor via further assessment of skills, identifies the parent's capacity to change. A PAMS Capacity Teaching Report is produced which provided a detailed report of the upkeep and maintenance of the targeted skills from Initial/Baseline to Post-Teaching Assessment.

Autumn House will take into consideration a parent's ability to learn and the outcomes of any external assessments of the parent's cognitive abilities and therefore tailor the assessment appropriately to ensure the best opportunity for affecting change in a parent.

Formal Observations, interviews and direct work sessions will take place at a variety of times and settings  where appropriate, to ensure a holistic picture of the parent's strengths and worries. Throughout the assessment there will be a minimum of 3 meetings with the Assessor and Social Worker including Pre Placement Meeting, Initial Review, Mid Placement Review and Transitional Planning.

If required the Author of the report will be available to attend court and give evidence.

For more information on the centre see Referral Process or contact the  on Tel - 0151 287 9064