Referral Process

To enquire about a placement, please contact Autumn House Manager, Diane Kelly, on 07929640232. She will be able to tell you if we have availability for the required start date and, if so, will email you an Initial Referral and Adult Risk Assessment form. Once completed, please return it to

On receipt of the completed form, we can let you know within 2 hours whether we’re able to provisionally offer a placement after assessing whether we can meet the family’s needs, and have completed a thorough risk assessment.

Either way, we’ll contact you to inform you and if we can provisionally offer a place, will then email you the full referral form.

We need this to be emailed back with other relevant documents such as;

·         Letter of instruction

·         Chronology

·         Pre-birth assessment

·         Case conference minutes

We’ll then contact you to discuss any further information we may need. Once we have received all relevant information, unless further risks have been identified that we were previously unaware of, we will then confirm the offer of the placement with 4 hours.

We will then send you Autumn House Terms and Conditions which will need to be signed by the person with financial authority to authorise the placement. This needs to be returned to us to secure the placement.

Initial Referral and Adult Risk Assessment.pdf
Autumn House Referral Form.pdf